1. Dynamics of Competing Channels in S-/H2 Collisional System 
J.C. Brenot, M. Durup-Ferguson, J.A. Fayeton, K. Goudjil, Z. Herman and M. Barat
Chem. Phys. 146 (1990) 263-272

2. Comments on the Various Representations of Differential Cross Sections
J.C. Brenot, M. Durup-Ferguson, J.A. Fayeton, K. Goudjil and M. Barat
Chem. Phys. 179 (1994) 549-556

3. The S-/H2 Collisional System Revisited
J.C. Brenot, M. Durup-Ferguson, J. Fayeton, K. Goudjil and M. Barat
Chem. Phys. 179 (1994) 557-571

4. Dynamical Study of Competing Reactions in CN-/H2 Collisonal System
by Multicoincidence Detection

K. Goudjil, J.C. Brenot, J. A. Fayeton and M. Durup-Ferguson
Chem. Phys. 179 (1994) 573-581

5. Comparisons Between the Reactivity of Chlorine Dioxyde in the Gas-Phase
and Water Solution

V. Vaida, K. Goudjil, J. D. Simon and B. N. Flanders
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 61, 133 (1994)

6. Photochromic Ultraviolet Light Sensor and Applications
K. Goudjil and R. Sandoval
Sensor Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1998

7. Photochromic Ultraviolet Laser Shield
K. Goudjil
Inorganic Optical Materials II, SPIE, Vol. 4102 (2000)

8. Dynamique Reactionnelle dans les Collisions d’Ions Negatifs (S-, O-, CN-) avec H2 (French
     Reaction Dynamics in Negative Ions (S-, O-, CN-) on H2 Collisions (English)
Doctoral Thesis (December 1991), University of Paris-sud, Orsay, France


1. Photochromic Ultraviolet Detector
K. Goudjil
U.S. Patent No. 5,581,090

2. Metamorphic Nail Polish
K. Goudjil
U.S. Patent No. 5,730,961

3. Ultraviolet Active Wristband
K. Goudjil
U.S. Patent No. 5,914,197

4. Photochromic Ultraviolet Protective Shield
K. Goudjil
U.S. Patent No. 6,113,813

5. Solar Blind-UVC Photochromic Detector and Method for Calibration
K. Goudjil
U.S. Patent No. 6,437,346


1. Reactive and detachment processes in S-+H2 collisions
J.A. Fayeton, J.C. Brenot, M. Durup-Ferguson, K. Goudjil, M. Barat
XII Inter. Symposium on Molecular Beams, Perugia, Italy (1989)

2. Dynamics of S-/H2 collisional system
M. Durup-Ferguson, J.C. Brenot, J.A. Fayeton, K. Goudjil, M. Barat
Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, Asilomar, USA (1989)

3. Associative and reactive detachment in S-/H2 collisional system
K. Goudjil, M. Durup-Ferguson, J.C. Brenot, J.A. Fayeton, M. Barat.
VIII-th European Conference on Dynamics of Molecular Collisions
Bernkastel-Kues, Germany (1990)

4. Formation de complexes intermédiaires dans les réactions S-/H2 et O-/H2
K. Goudjil, M. Durup-Ferguson, J.C. Brenot, J.A. Fayeton, M. Barat
1-colloque DIAM Bourges 1991, France

5. Formation of intermediate complexes in S-/H2 collision
M. Barat, J.C. Brenot, M. Durup-Ferguson, J.A. Fayeton and K. Goudjil
IV ECAMP, Riga, Latvia (1992)

6. Etude des Collisions Réactives par la Détection en Coincidence des Produits
M. Barat, J.C. Brenot, M. Durup-Ferguson, J.A. Fayeton and K. Goudjil
Caen, France

Dr. Kamal Goudjil 
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